Croftone Records
Record Store

Records, CDs, T-Shirts, and Action Figures Sold Here!

Connoisseurs of Sweet Suburban Sounds the world over will soon have access to Croftone's finest offerings.

In the very near future, Croftone will be offering customers two purchase/delivery options:

1) Pay for fine Croftone recordings and apparel with your credit card via PayPal and have Croftone ship the item(s) directly to you, or

2) Pay via PayPal and save yourself shipping fees by arranging to pick the items up in person at the next concert! Not only will you get a great product, you'll also get to interact with your favorite Croftone personalities. Special promotional incentives may apply to make this an even more attractive option.

The true meaning of Rock'n'Roll


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Copyright 2001. Croftone International - Zurich, Switzerland.