Employees of the Month
Croftone Records

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This Month's Winners

Way to go, team!

This month's lucky winners are Prince Hans-Adam II and his charming wife Princess Marie of Croftone Records Warehouse #3 (formerly the Principality of Liechtenstein). This energetic couple oversees the day-to-day operations of Warehouse #3 including shipping, receiving, and merchandise tracking. As they're fond of telling visitors who flock to the formerly-soverign nation for our popular weekend tours, "it may have been a small country, but it makes one hell of a storage facility." This cheerful attitude in the face of Croftone International's rather abrupt and forceful "corporate" takeover of Warehouse #3 (nee "The Principality of Liechtenstein") endears the royal couple to all of their Croftone colleagues. Moreover, they assure us that even if we hadn't moved Hereditary Prince Alois to our Swiss headquarters for "safekeeping", they'd still be absolutely chuffed to be Croftone employees. To that we say, "that's the spirit." We hope that the Prince and Princess will accept a book of Blockbuster gift certificates as a token of our sincere gratitude for a job well done. (Don't forget to rewind those videos before you return them, Hans-Adam!)

~Dr. Gerhard Meine

Copyright 2001. Croftone International - Zurich, Switzerland